On the ILLC site you may find a full list of ILLC research reports and dissertations. Additionally, the electronic archives may also be accessed by using the Search Form of the ILLC Eprints server.
- MoL-1997-01:
- Dimitris Dimitriadis Identity and Identification
- MoL-1997-02:
- Brian Semmes The Raisonnier-Shelah Construction of a Non-Measurable Set
- MoL-1997-03:
- Marc Pauly Transforming Predicates or Updating States? Total Correctness in Dynamic Logic and Structured Programming
- MoL-1998-01:
- Rosella Gennari Temporal Reasoning and Constraint Programming
- MoL-1998-02:
- Paulo E. Santos Formalising the Common Sense of a Mobile Robot
- MoL-1998-03:
- Eyal Hurvitz Towards a Uniform Strategy of Plural Quantification? Iterative Cumulativity and the Witness Condition
- MoL-1999-01:
- Alessandra Palmigiano Normal Gentzen Deductions in the Classical Case
- MoL-1999-02:
- Clemens Grabmayer Cut-Elimination in the Implicative Fragment $->G3mi$ of an Intuitionistic $G3$-Gentzen-System and its Computational Meaning
- MoL-1999-03:
Rafael Accorsi
Exploring the Behaviour of Feature Interaction via Stable Models
1.Full Text.
- MoL-1999-04:
- Walter Dean Three Recursion Theoretic Concepts of Genericity
- MoL-2000-01:
- Sophia Velissaratou Conditional Questions and Which-Interrogatives
- MoL-2000-02:
- Mariana Haim Duality for Lattices with Operators: A Modal Logic Approach
- MoL-2000-03:
- Sjaak Verbeek An Information Theoretic Approach to Finding Word Groups for Text Classification
- MoL-2000-04:
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes A Study of William of Ockham's Logic - from Suppositio to Truth Conditions
- MoL-2000-05:
- Patrick Yancey Indeterminacy and Translatability
- MoL-2000-06:
- Shai Berger Studies on the Uses and Usefulness of Diagrams
- MoL-2001-01:
- Levan Khavtasi Extending Focus Theories: Particles in Focus
- MoL-2001-02:
- Iouri Netchitailov An Extension of Game Logic with Parallel Operators
- MoL-2001-03:
- Marie Nilsenová Uncertainty in the Common Ground
- MoL-2001-04:
- Jason Mattausch On Optimization in Discourse Generation
- MoL-2001-05:
- Rasa Leijting - Paulékaité Intentional Identity and the Edelberg Asymmetry
- MoL-2001-06:
- Jon Ragetli Towards Concept-based Structuring of Electronic Information
- MoL-2001-07:
- Ben Rodenhäuser Updating Epistemic Uncertainty: an essay in the logic of information change
- MoL-2001-08:
- Alexander Bergo Text Categorization and Prototypes
- MoL-2001-09:
- Nick Arevadze Finite Projective Formulas
- MoL-2001-10:
- Marcello Vavassori Isn't my question a real question? A Pragmatic Approach to Polar Questions
- MoL-2001-11:
- David Gabelaia Modal definability in topology
- MoL-2001-12:
- Darrin Hindsill On the Turning Verbs into Nouns
- MoL-2001-13:
- Troy Lee Is Multiplication Harder than Addition? Arithmetical Definability over Finite Structures
- MoL-2001-14:
- Andreas P. Giannakoulopoulos Frog Leaps and Human Noises: An Optimality Theory Approach to Cultural Change
- MoL-2001-15:
- Mehmet Giritli From 3-SAT to \{2+p\},\{3\}-SAT
- MoL-2002-01:
- Seth Cable Stand Over There, Please: The Dynamics of Vagueness, the Origins of Vagueness, and How Pie-Cutting Relates to Ancient Heaps of Sand
- MoL-2002-02:
- John Duda Context and Mythology
- MoL-2002-03:
Willem Conradie
The Beth Property for Three Extensions of Modal Logic
1.Full Text.
- MoL-2002-04:
- Mathieu Vidal Classifying Conditionals
- MoL-2002-05:
- Bernadette Martínez Hernández Automated Reasoning with Boolean ABoxes
- MoL-2002-06:
- Börkur Sigurbjörnsson Structural Properties of Questionnaires
- MoL-2002-07:
- Luciano Buratto Back-off as Parameter Estimation for DOP models
- MoL-2002-08:
- Marian Counihan What do four-year-olds have in common with Frege?
- MoL-2002-09:
- Rajvinder Singh A Study of Optimality Theory and the Human Sentence Processing Mechanism
- MoL-2002-10:
- Fabrice Nauze Scenarios for the Pass\'e Simple and Imparfait: An Event Calculus Approach to French Semantics
- MoL-2003-01:
- Chunlai Zhou Some Intuitionistic Provability and Preservativity Logics (and their interrelations)
- MoL-2003-02:
- Fadillah Tala A Study of Stemming Effects on Information Retrieval in Bahasa Indonesia
- MoL-2003-03:
- Guillaume Aucher A Combined System for Update Logic and Belief Revision
- MoL-2003-04:
- Gilad Mishne Source Code Retrieval using Conceptual Graphs
- MoL-2003-05:
- Tanja Hötte A Model for Epistemic Games
- MoL-2003-06:
- Oren Tsur Definitional Question Answering Using Trainable Classifiers
- MoL-2003-07:
- Loredana Afanasiev XML Query Evaluation via CTL Model Checking
- MoL-2004-01:
- Katrin Schulz A Case Study on the Paradox of Free Choice Permission
- MoL-2004-02:
- Andreas Zollmann A Consistent and Efficient Estimator for the Data-Oriented Parsing Model
- MoL-2004-03:
- Giosuè Baggio Two ERP studies on Dutch temporal semantics
- MoL-2004-04:
- Be Birchall Duality for Distributive Modal Algebras
- MoL-2004-05:
- Fenrong Liu Dynamic Variations: Update and Revision for Diverse Agents
- MoL-2004-06:
- Thuy Linh Nguyen Rank Consistent Estimation: The DOP Case
- MoL-2004-07:
- Piotr Labenz Event-calculus semantics of Polish aspect
- MoL-2004-08:
- Ji Ruan Exploring the Update Universe
- MoL-2004-09:
- Spencer Gerhardt A Construction Method for Modal Logics of Space
- MoL-2005-01:
- Reut Tsarfaty `binyanim ba'avir': An investigation of Aspect Semantics in Modern Hebrew
- MoL-2005-02:
- Boaz Leskes The Value of Agreement: a new Boosting Algorithm
- MoL-2005-03:
- Evangelos Tzanis Algebraizing Hybrid Logic
- MoL-2005-04:
- Michael Franke Pseudo-Imperatives
- MoL-2005-05:
- Floris Roelofsen Exploring Logical Perspectives on Distributed Information and its Dynamics
- MoL-2005-06:
- Teresita Mijangos Penalty Logic and Genomic Encoding
- MoL-2005-07:
- Samson Tikitu de Jager Analysing the complexity of games on graphs
- MoL-2005-08:
Gustavo Lacerda da Melo
Automating Normal Science: Reusing Exemplars in Quantitative Explanations
- MoL-2005-09:
- Scott Grimm The Lattice of Case and Agentivity
- MoL-2006-01:
- Edgar Andrade Meaning and Form in Event Calculus
- MoL-2006-02:
- Dirk Buschbom Understanding As A Teleonomical Concept: Fundamentals of the Hermeneutical game
- MoL-2006-03:
- Ioanna Dimitriou Strong limits and Inaccessibility with non-wellorderable powersets
- MoL-2006-04:
- Clive Nettey Link-Based Methods for Web Information Retrieval
- MoL-2006-05:
- Yanjing Wang Indexed Semantics and Its Application in Modelling Interactive Unawareness
- MoL-2006-06:
- Jill Cirasella Classical and Quantum Algorithms for Finding Cycles
- MoL-2006-07:
- Martin Müller Accent and Focus in OT: a Cross-Linguistic Perspective
- MoL-2006-08:
- Gaëlle Fontaine Axiomatization of ML and Cheq
- MoL-2006-09:
- Jacob Vosmaer Connecting the profinite completion and the canonical extension using duality
- MoL-2007-01:
- Jonathan Zvesper A Revised Version: Belief Revision and Epistemic Acts
- MoL-2007-02:
- Wouter Koolen Discovering the truth by conducting experiments
- MoL-2007-03:
- Höskuldur Hlynsson Transfer Learning Using the Minimum Description Length Principle with a Decision Tree Application
- MoL-2007-04:
- Tijmen R. Daniëls Social Choice and Logic via Simple Games
- MoL-2007-05:
- Can Baskent Topics in Subset Space Logic
- MoL-2007-06:
- Gerben de Vries Formalizing Implicatures Using Extended Logic Programming
- MoL-2007-07:
- Marcello Di Bello Formalizing Legislation in the Event Calculus: The Case of the Italian Citizenship Law
- MoL-2007-08:
- Ori Garin A computational model of reference
- MoL-2007-09:
- Harald Bastiaanse Clarity in Non-Monotonic Logic
- MoL-2007-10:
- David Chabot Individual-level Predicates and When-Conditionals
- MoL-2007-11:
- Yurii Khomskii Regularity Properties and Determinacy
- MoL-2007-12:
- Sandeep Murthy Group-theoretic Methods for Bounding the Exponent of Matrix Multiplication
- MoL-2007-13:
- Ansten Mørch Klev Extending Kleene's O Using Infinite Time Turing Machines
- MoL-2007-14:
- Joost Winter Space Complexity in Infinite Time Turing Machines
- MoL-2007-15:
- Christian Kissig Decidability of S2S
- MoL-2007-16:
- Jesse Aron Harris Revealing Concealment: A (Neuro-)Logical Investigation of Concealed Questions
- MoL-2007-17:
- Brammert Ottens Comparing Winner Determination Algorithms for Mixed Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions
- MoL-2007-18:
- Lena Kurzen Logics for Cooperation, Actions and Preferences
- MoL-2007-19:
- Raul Andres Leal Rodriguez Expressivity of Coalgebraic Modal Languages
- MoL-2007-20:
- Gustaaf Haan How illiterates interpret syllogistic problems
- MoL-2007-21:
- Theodora Achourioti Logic, Normativity, and the A Priori
- MoL-2007-22:
- Petter Remen Automata on flows
- MoL-2007-23:
- Federico Sangati Towards simpler tree substitution grammars
- MoL-2008-01:
- Caroline Foster The Problem of the Perfect Agent: Investigations into Determinism
- MoL-2008-02:
- Silvia Gaio Gradability without Degrees
- MoL-2008-03:
- Szymon Klarman ABox Abduction in Description Logic
- MoL-2008-04:
- Martijn Pennings A Konolige bridge between default logic and autoepistemic logic
- MoL-2008-05:
- Luite Menno Pieter van Zelst Modeling Computer Viruses
- MoL-2008-06:
- Thomas Icard Models of the Polymodal Provability Logic
- MoL-2008-07:
- Loes Olde Loohuis Multi-Player Logics
- MoL-2008-08:
- Pietro Galliani Game values and equilibria for undetermined sentences of Dependence Logic
- MoL-2008-09:
- Sara Ramezani Khorshid Doost Nash Social Welfare in Multiagent Resource Allocation
- MoL-2008-10:
- Dewi S. Harten How to solve the conjunction fallacy? A discussion of alternative approaches
- MoL-2008-11:
- Rachel Sterken Concatenation as a basis for Q and the Intuitionistic variant of Nelson's Classic Result
- MoL-2008-12:
- Fan Yang Intuitionistic Subframe Formulas, NNIL-Formulas and n-universal Models
- MoL-2009-01:
- María Inés Crespo Normativity and interaction: from ethics to semantics
- MoL-2009-02:
- Nicole R. Hausen Wittgenstein's Investigations and Damasio's Explanations: A Comparative Study of Emotion
- MoL-2009-03:
- Daniele Chiffi Analysis of Knowledge, Assertion, Verification
- MoL-2009-04:
- Daan Dirk de Jonge Autistic Number Learning: What Autism Can Tell Us About the Acquisition of Number Concepts
- MoL-2009-05:
- Petros D. Stamatis Going for a Walk on a Fine Summer's Day While a Sea-battle is Taking Place, or Concerning Future Contingents and Intentional Action
- MoL-2009-06:
- Pablo Cubides Kovacsics Decomposition Theorem for Abstract Elementary Classes
- MoL-2009-07:
- Chris Brumwell A Dynamic Analysis of Epistemic Possibility
- MoL-2009-08:
- Wouter Beek Truth-Theoretic Contextualism: Dissolving the Minimalism/Contextualism Debate
- MoL-2009-09:
- Simon Pauw A BiOT Account of Gricean Reasoning
- MoL-2009-10:
- Maria Spychalska Scalar Implicatures and Existential Import: Experimental Study on Quantifiers in Natural Language
- MoL-2009-11:
- Ivano A. Ciardelli Inquisitive Semantics and Intermediate Logics
- MoL-2009-12:
- Karel Van Oudheusden The Advent of Recursion \& Logic in Computer Science
- MoL-2009-13:
- Olga Grigoriadou A Momentary Lapse Of Reason
- MoL-2009-14:
- Lisa Maree Fulford A study of Canonicity for Bi-Implicative Algebras
- MoL-2009-15:
- Floor Sietsma A Case Study in Formal Testing and an Algorithm for Automatic Test Case Generation with Symbolic Transition Systems
- MoL-2009-16:
- Samuel Jacob van Gool Methods for Canonicity
- MoL-2009-17:
- Maarten Versteegh iDOP: Iterated Data-Oriented Parsing as a Model for Diachronic Syntax
- MoL-2009-18:
- Salvador Mascarenhas Inquisitive Semantics and Logic
- MoL-2010-01:
- Frank Nebel Shortest Path Games: Computational Complexity of Solution Concepts
- MoL-2010-02:
- Christian Geist Automated Search for Impossibility Theorems in Choice Theory: Ranking Sets of Objects
- MoL-2010-03:
- Charlotte Vlek Definability in the Degrees of Randomness
- MoL-2010-04:
- Yacin Hamami The Interrogative Model of Inquiry meets Dynamic Epistemic Logics
- MoL-2010-05:
- Nicola Di Giorgio Non-Standard Models of Arithmetic: a Philosophical and Historical perspective
- MoL-2010-06:
- Stephan Schroevers Expressiveness and Extensions of an Instruction Sequence Semigroup
- MoL-2010-07:
- Mark Beumer Apportionment in Theory and Practice
- MoL-2010-08:
- David Fiske Toward an Evolutionary Linguistic Theory
- MoL-2010-09:
- Kian Mintz-Woo Independence Weakening in Judgment Aggregation
- MoL-2010-10:
- Ernst Odolphi Temporal Binding by Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity
- MoL-2010-11:
- Margaux Smets A U-DOP approach to modeling language acquisition
- MoL-2010-12:
- Jonathan Shaheen Relevance-Based Partition Semantics for Why-Questions
- MoL-2010-13:
- Hanne Kristin Berg Philosophy of time: Combining the A-series and the B-series
- MoL-2010-14:
- Lorenz Demey Agreeing to Disagree in Probabilistic Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- MoL-2010-15:
- Matthew P. Wampler-Doty Evidentialist Logic
- MoL-2010-16:
- Hélène Tourigny Exploiting Systematicity: a Connectionist Model of Bootstrapping in Language Acquisition
- MoL-2010-17:
- Bert Christiaan Regenboog Reactive Valuations
- MoL-2010-18:
- Alexandru Marcoci The Surprise Examination Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- MoL-2010-19:
- Remi Turk A modern back-end for a dependently typed language
- MoL-2010-20:
- Antonio Negro Quine's challenge and Logical Pluralism
- MoL-2011-01:
- Tom Florian Sterkenburg Sequences with Trivial Initial Segment Complexity
- MoL-2011-02:
- Peter Fritz Matrices and Modalities: On the Logic of Two-Dimensional Semantics
- MoL-2011-03:
- Lars Wortel Side Effects in Steering Fragments
- MoL-2011-04:
- Douwe Kiela Variable Binding in Biologically Plausible Neural Networks
- MoL-2011-05:
- Sophie Arnoult Smoothing a PBSMT Model by Factoring Out Adjuncts
- MoL-2011-06:
- Noortje Joost Venhuizen Negation in Questions
- MoL-2011-07:
- Navid Talebanfard Tightening the Compression Hierarchies
- MoL-2011-08:
- Ilan Frank Information and Representation in Computational Social Choice
- MoL-2011-09:
- Irma Cornelisse Context Dependence of Epistemic Operators in Dynamic Evidence Logic
- MoL-2011-10:
- Cian Chartier Tarski's Threat to the T-Schema
- MoL-2011-11:
- Kasper Højbjerg Christensen Counterfactual Dependencies
- MoL-2011-12:
- Spencer C. Johnston Buridan's Theory of Logical Consequence
- MoL-2011-13:
- Willem M. Baartse Finding the phase transition for Friedman's long finite sequences
- MoL-2011-14:
- Zhenhao Li Degrees of Non-Determinacy and Game Logics on Cardinals under the Axiom of Determinacy
- MoL-2011-15:
- Johannes Marti Relation Liftings in Coalgebraic Modal Logic
- MoL-2011-16:
- Gabriela Asli Rino Nesin Completing partial algebra models of term rewriting systems
- MoL-2011-17:
- Rogier Jacobsz The Cylindric Algebras of 4-Valued Logic
- MoL-2011-18:
- Andreas van Cranenburgh Discontinuous Data-Oriented Parsing through Mild Context-Sensitivity
- MoL-2011-19:
- Annemieke Reijngoud Voter Response to Iterated Poll Information
- MoL-2011-20:
- Floor Rombout "|": Frege, Russell and Wittgenstein on the Judgment Stroke
- MoL-2011-21:
- Bruno Jacinto Consequence in Context: Two-Dimensional Semantics meets Logical Consequence
- MoL-2012-01:
- Viktoriia Denisova Ontological Commitment of Natural Language Semantics
- MoL-2012-02:
- Sylvia Boicheva Mechanism Design without Money
- MoL-2012-03:
Thomas Peetz
On Context-Free Grammar Induction by Incremental Compression
- MoL-2012-04:
- Daan Staudt Completeness for Two Left-Sequential Logics
- MoL-2012-05:
- Pawel Lojko Inquisitive Semantics and the Paradoxes of Material Implication
- MoL-2012-06:
- Alwin Blok Interaction, observation and denotation: A study of dialgebras for program semantics
- MoL-2012-07:
- Fenner Tanswell Proof and Prejudice: Why Formalising doesn't make you a Formalist
- MoL-2012-08:
- Fabio Zanasi Expressiveness of Monadic Second Order Logics on Infinite Trees of Arbitrary Branching Degree
- MoL-2012-09:
- Antonio Florio Science in Axiomatic Perspective
- MoL-2012-10:
- Paula Henk Supremum in the Lattice of Interpretability
- MoL-2012-11:
- Tong Wang An Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse Game for the Logic L-omega1-omega
- MoL-2012-12:
- Haitao Cai Causation and the Semantics of Counterfactuals
- MoL-2012-13:
- Riccardo Pinosio Kant's Transcendental Synthesis of the Imagination and Constructive Euclidean Geometry
- MoL-2012-14:
- Vahid M. Hashemi Extracting Trends from Incomplete Ordinal Preferences
- MoL-2012-15:
- Kyndylan Nienhuis Automatic Verication of Programs with Indirection
- MoL-2012-16:
- Aleks Knoks Abnormality Counts!
- MoL-2012-17:
- Nal Emmerich Kalchbrenner Walking the Graph of Language: On a Framework for Meaning and Analogy
- MoL-2012-18:
- Stefanie Kooistra Logic in Classical and Evolutionary Games
- MoL-2012-19:
- Yves Fomatati Sahlqvist Correspondence for Intuitionistic Modal Mu-Calculus
- MoL-2012-20:
- Marta Sznajder Dynamic Semantics for Intensional Transitive Verbs - a Case Study
- MoL-2012-21:
- Aadil Hanif Kurji An Update Semantics for Promises and Other Obligation-Creating Speech Acts: A Promising Start
- MoL-2012-22:
- Ekaterina Garmash Refining translation grammars through paraphrase clustering
- MoL-2012-23:
- Peter van Ormondt Finite narrative modelling, contextual dynamic semantics and Elusive Knowledge
- MoL-2013-01:
- Maria Velema Classical Encryption and Authentication under Quantum Attacks
- MoL-2013-02:
- Radek Ocelák Carving up the rainbow: how to model linguistic categorization of color
- MoL-2013-03:
- Gianluca Paolini Dependence Logic in Algebra and Model Theory
- MoL-2013-04:
- Georgios Sarailidis On the Power of Evolution
- MoL-2013-05:
- Giovanni Cinà On the connection between the categorical and the modal logic approaches to Quantum Mechanics
- MoL-2013-06:
- Elbert J. Booij Kinds, Composition and the Identification Problem
- MoL-2013-07:
- Tanmay C. Inamdar On The Modal Logics of Some Set-Theoretic Constructions
- MoL-2013-08:
- Nathaniel Forde A Demand of Reason: Dependence in Logic and Probability
- MoL-2013-09:
- Femke Bekius The Iterative Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problem
- MoL-2013-10:
- Zhiguang Zhao Algebraic Canonicity in Non-Classical Logics
- MoL-2013-11:
- José Pedro Correia The Bivalent Trap: Vagueness, Theories of Meaning and Identity
- MoL-2013-12:
- Apostolos Tzimoulis Determinacy and measurable cardinals in HOD
- MoL-2013-13:
- Aybüke Özgün Topological Models for Belief and Belief Revision
- MoL-2013-14:
- Hans Bugge Grathwohl Programming with Classical Proofs
- MoL-2013-15:
- Maurice Pico Completeness proofs via canonical models on increasingly generalized settings
- MoL-2013-16:
- Hugo de Holanda Cunha Nobrega Game characterizations of function classes and Weihrauch degrees
- MoL-2013-17:
- Ryan Nefdt Constituentless Compositionality: A Compositional Account of Dependency Grammar
- MoL-2013-18:
- Robert Carrington Learning and Knowledge in Social Networks
- MoL-2013-19:
- Alessandra Marra What should have been the case. A temporal update semantics for necessity deontic modals
- MoL-2013-20:
- Cecilia Chávez Aguilera. Non-well founded semantics for belief revision
- MoL-2013-21:
- Adam Crager The infinite in Aristotle's logical epistemology
- MoL-2013-22:
- Heleen Booy Philosophy in primary schools - Developing teachers' manuals for different age groups
- MoL-2013-23:
- Maximilian Johannes Fillinger Reconstructing the Cryptanalytic Attack behind the Flame Malware
- MoL-2013-24:
- Sylvia Pauw Synthesis, Judgment and the Categories of Quantity
- MoL-2013-25:
- Anthony Renard A Final Coalgebra Theorem in the Context of Algebraic Set Theory
- MoL-2013-26:
- Ásgeir Berg Matthíasson A Chalet on Mount Everest: Interpretations of Wittgenstein's Remarks on G\"odel
- MoL-2013-27:
- Vlasta Sikimic Towards a Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Dynamic Logics
- MoL-2013-28:
- YunQi Xue Towards Closed-World Reasoning in Games - Ultimatum Game Revisited
- MoL-2013-29:
- Dieuwke Hupkes An Empirical Account of Compositionality of Translation through Translation Data
- MoL-2014-01:
- Maria Dimarogkona The Problem of Existence in Western Philosophy: Aristotle - Thomas Aquinas
- MoL-2014-02:
- Alexander C. Block Operations on a Wadge-Type Hierarchy of Ordinal-Valued Functions
- MoL-2014-03:
- Rachel Boddy Epistemic Issues and Group Knowledge
- MoL-2014-04:
- Andreea Achimescu Games and Logics for Informational Cascades
- MoL-2014-05:
- Sebastian Speitel Limning the True and Ultimate Structure of Reality
- MoL-2014-06:
- Ciyang Qing Quantiative Social-Cognitive Experimental Pragmatics
- MoL-2014-07:
- Nadine Theiler A Multitude of Answers: Embedded Questions in Typed Inquisitive Semantics
- MoL-2014-08:
- Seyed Mohammad Yarandi Proper Names and Propositional Attitudes
- MoL-2014-09:
- Julian J. Schlöder Uptake, Clarification and Argumentation
- MoL-2014-10:
- Julia Ilin An Outline of Algebraic Set Theory with a View Towards Cohen's Model Falsifying the Continuum Hypothesis
- MoL-2014-11:
- Guus Willem Eelink Davidson on belief, truth, and the sceptic
- MoL-2014-12:
- Simon Docherty A Model Of Type Theory In Cubical Sets With Connections
- MoL-2014-13:
- Michele Herbstritt Why can't we be surprised whether it rains in Amsterdam? A semantics for factive verbs and embedded questions
- MoL-2014-14:
- Sarah McWhirter An Automata-Theoretic Perspective on Polyadic Quantification in Natural Language
- MoL-2014-15:
- Nikhil Maddirala Philosophy of logical practice: a case study in formal semantics
- MoL-2014-16:
- Malvin Gattinger Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Guessing Games and Cryptographic Protocols
- MoL-2014-17:
- Sanne Brinkhorst On Evolution of Compositionality
- MoL-2014-18:
- Justin Kruger Actions in Social Choice
- MoL-2014-19:
- Jessica Olsen Would You Believe That? The Prerogative of Assent and Utility of Disagreement
- MoL-2014-20:
- Laura Mojica Anxiety: A Grammatical Investigation
- MoL-2014-21:
- Lara Elise van Weegen Informational cascades under variable reliability assessments: A formal and empirical investigation
- MoL-2014-22:
- Gijs Wijnholds Categorical Foundations for Extended Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning
- MoL-2014-23:
- Yuning Feng Constructing Variants of the Category of Partial Equivalence Relations
- MoL-2015-01:
- Jouke E. Witteveen Structural Parameterized Complexity
- MoL-2015-02:
- Ignas Vyšniauskas $\pi_{dist}$: Towards a Typed $\pi$-calculus for Distributed Programming Languages
- MoL-2015-03:
- Maša Močnik Slovenian Perfective and Imperfective Explicit Performative Utterances
- MoL-2015-04:
- Sanne Kosterman Learning in Games through Social Networks
- MoL-2015-05:
- Roosmarijn Goldbach Modelling Democratic Deliberation
- MoL-2015-06:
- Johannes Emerich Applying Types as Abstract Interpretation to a Language with Dynamic Dispatch
- MoL-2015-07:
- Babette Paping A game theoretic approach to cost allocation in the Dutch electricity grid
- MoL-2015-08:
- Jonathan Mallinson Modelling Syntactic and Semantic Tasks with Linguistically Enriched Recursive Neural Networks
- MoL-2015-09:
- Tingxiang Zou Filtered Order-partial Combinatory Algebras and Classical Realizability
- MoL-2015-10:
- Bill Noble All together now... This time with meaning: A hierarchical lexicon for semantic coordination
- MoL-2015-11:
- Moritz Bäumel 'On Certainty' and Formal Epistemology
- MoL-2015-12:
- Frank Feys Fourier Analysis for Social Choice
- MoL-2015-13:
- Lorenzo Galeotti Computable Analysis Over the Generalized Baire Space
- MoL-2015-14:
- Iris van de Pol How Difficult is it to Think that you Think that I Think that...? A DEL-based Computational-level Model of Theory of Mind and its Complexity
- MoL-2015-15:
- Fangzhou Zhai Toward Probabilistic Natural Logic for Syllogistic Reasoning
- MoL-2015-16:
- Pietro Pasotti Chisholm's Paradox in Action Deontic Logics
- MoL-2015-17:
- Kees van Berkel Kant's Logic in the Critique of Practical Reason
- MoL-2015-18:
- Frederik Möllerström Lauridsen One-Step Algebras and Frames for Modal and Intuitionistic Logics
- MoL-2015-19:
- Wouter P.J. Kroese When an Algorithm Cannot Help You Find a Wife: Modeling Two-Sided Matching Markets Using Stochastic Matching
- MoL-2015-20:
- Hanna Sofie van Lee The Reliability of Scientific Communities: a Logical Analysis
- MoL-2015-21:
- Konstantinos Gkikas Stable Beliefs and Conditional Probability Spaces
- MoL-2015-22:
- Michiel den Haan The Logic of Framing: The Framing Effect as a Non-Monotonic Decision Process of Path Dependence
- MoL-2015-23:
- Eileen Wagner Superplural Logic
- MoL-2015-24:
- Md. Shahidul Islam Limits of Argumentation: A Wittgensteinian Approach
- MoL-2015-25:
- Joost Vecht Categorical Structuralism and the Foundations of Mathematics
- MoL-2015-26:
- Suzanne van Wijk Coalitions in Epistemic Planning
- MoL-2015-27:
- Ana Lucia Vargas Sandoval Learning Deductive Reasoning
- MoL-2015-28:
- Francesco Gavazzo Investigations into Linear Logic with Fixed-Point Operators
- MoL-2015-29:
- Maaike Annebeth Zwart Sheaf Models for Intuitionistic Non-Standard Arithmetic
- MoL-2015-30:
- Ko-Hung Kuan Coherence Preservation: A Threat to Probabilistic Measures of Coherence
- MoL-2015-31:
- Francesca Zaffora Blando From von Mises' Impossibility of a Gambling System to Probabilistic Martingales
- MoL-2015-32:
- Aldo Iván Ramírez Abarca Topological Models for Group Knowledge and Belief
- MoL-2016-01:
- Sarah Hiller Corrective Feedback in First Language Acquisition
- MoL-2016-02:
- Nikolas Nisidis A decompositional analysis of discourse relations
- MoL-2016-03:
- Stephen Pastan Another Approach to Truthmaker Semantics
- MoL-2016-04:
- Rick Bellaar Understanding Schizophrenia: A Wittgensteinian Response to Double-Bookkeeping
- MoL-2016-05:
- Yfke Dulek Quantum Homomorphic Encryption for Polynomial-Sized Circuits
- MoL-2016-06:
- Thomas Santoli Logics for Compact Hausdorff Spaces via de Vries Duality
- MoL-2016-07:
- Christopher Badura Truth in Fiction via Non-Standard Belief Revision
- MoL-2016-08:
- Sirin Botan Propositional Opinion Diffusion with Constraints
- MoL-2016-09:
- Sander in 't Veld Temporal Logics, Automata and the Modal $\mu$-Calculus
- MoL-2016-10:
- Philip W.B. Michgelsen Genetic-Algorithmic Optimisation for School-Allocation Mechanisms: A Study of Amsterdam's Student to High-School Allocation Problem
- MoL-2016-11:
- Evan Marzion Closed Sets of Higher-Order Functions
- MoL-2016-12:
- Thom van Gessel Action Models in Inquisitive Logic
- MoL-2016-13:
- Daniil Frumin Weak Factorisation Systems in the Effective Topos
- MoL-2016-14:
- Almudena Colacito Minimal and Subminimal Logic of Negation
- MoL-2016-15:
- Benjamin Sparkes Inquisitive Conditional-Doxastic Logic
- MoL-2016-16:
- Anna Bellomo Theories of size for infinite collections
- MoL-2016-17:
- Thomas Cattermole Paraconsistent Logics and Identity - a Pragmatic Approach
- MoL-2016-18:
- Eli Drumm Readtable-Macro Transducer-Chain Parsing
- MoL-2016-19:
- Arianna Novaro Judgment Aggregation in Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments
- MoL-2016-20:
Tom Schoonen
Thinking the Impossible
Arguments for Impossible Worlds in Semantics - MoL-2016-21:
- Olim F. Tuyt Canonical Rules on Neighbourhood Frames
- MoL-2016-22:
- Tom Hendriks Beyond the Regular: A Formalization of Non-Isochronous Metrical Structure
- MoL-2016-23:
- Guillaume Massas Possibility Spaces, Q-Completions and Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemmas for Non-Classical Logics
- MoL-2016-24:
- Iliana Gioulatou Hyperintensionality
- MoL-2016-25:
- Andrés Occhipinti Liberman Dynamic Evidence Logics with Relational Evidence
- MoL-2016-26:
- Kristina Gogoladze Evidence-Based Belief Revision for Non-Omniscient Agents
- MoL-2016-27:
- Leanne M. Streekstra On the stability of flexible permission structures
- MoL-2016-28:
- Nigel Sequeira Knowing How To Do Semantics
- MoL-2017-01:
- Nina Dongen Analysis and Prediction of Dutch-English Code-switching in Dutch Social Media Messages
- MoL-2017-02:
- Pablo Sierra Márquez A formalization of Spinoza's Ethics, Part 1: Consequences for interpretation
- MoL-2017-03:
- Tim Coopmans Robust self-testing of (almost) all pure two-qubit states
- MoL-2017-04:
- Simone Griffioen Covertly Controlling Choices: Manipulating Decision Making Under Partial Knowledge
- MoL-2017-05:
- Zoi Terzopoulou Manipulating the Manipulators: Richer Models of Strategic Behavior in Judgment Aggregation
- MoL-2017-06:
- Merlijn Koek Extensions Of The Garden-hose Model
- MoL-2017-07:
- Levin Hornischer Hyperintensionality and Synonymy
- MoL-2017-08:
- Aafke de Vos The Logic of Divinatory Reasoning
- MoL-2017-09:
- Natalia Talmina Quantifiers and verification strategies: connecting the dots (literally)
- MoL-2017-10:
- Andrzej Bułeczka Medieval vs Contemporary Metaphysics of Intentionality and Logic
- MoL-2017-11:
- Lisa Benossi Pretending to work: a closed world reasoning formalisation of pretend play
- MoL-2017-12:
- Anthia Solaki Steps out of Logical Omniscience
- MoL-2017-13:
- Stella Moon Isaacson's thesis and Wilkie's theorem
- MoL-2017-14:
- Laura Biziou-Van Pol Quantum Dialogues
- MoL-2017-15:
- Jana Wagemaker Gossip in NetKAT
- MoL-2017-16:
- Laura Aina Not logical: A distributional semantic account of negated adjectives
- MoL-2017-17:
- Jakob Piribauer The Modal Logic of Generic Multiverses
- MoL-2017-18:
- Bonan Zhao Dynamic Epistemic Logic Models for Predicting the Cognitive Difficulty of the Deductive Mastermind Game
- MoL-2017-19:
- Bas Cornelissen Bayesian Language Games: Unifying and evaluating agent-based models of horizontal and vertical language evolution
- MoL-2017-20:
- Ottilia Kasbergen Abstractions and Idealisations in Epistemic Logic
- MoL-2017-21:
- Alison Pasquariello Mohawk Temporality: Embodiment, Ritual, and Cognition
- MoL-2017-22:
- Shuai Wang Turing Learning with Nash Memory
- MoL-2017-23:
- Guido van der Knaap The Philosophical Motivation for Proof-Theoretic Harmony
- MoL-2017-24:
- Zeno de Hoop Context-Free Processes and Push-Down Processes
- MoL-2017-25:
Jonathan Frederik Sippel
The Good, the Bad, and the Difficult
Complexity in a Monotonicity-Grounded Natural Logic for Reasoning with Generalized Quantifiers - MoL-2017-26:
- Rana Klein The Logical Dynamics of Gossip: an analysis in Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- MoL-2017-27:
- Mees de Vries An Extensional Modified Realizability Topos
- MoL-2017-28:
- Michael Repplinger Understanding Generalization: Learning Quantifiers and Negation with Neural Tensor Networks
- MoL-2017-29:
- Esteban Landerreche Leaning on Impossible-to-Parallelise Work for Immutability Guarantees in the Blockchain
- MoL-2017-30:
- Marco Bacchin The perception of number: towards a topological approach
- MoL-2017-31:
- Albert Janzen The paradoxes of self-negation
- MoL-2018-01:
- Line van den Berg Unreliable Gossip
- MoL-2018-02:
- Laura S. Molenaar Quine and Loglan: the Influence of Philosophical Ideas on the Creation of a Logical Language
- MoL-2018-03:
- Robert Paßmann Loyalty and Faithfulness of Model Constructions for Constructive Set Theory
- MoL-2018-04:
- Jeroen van Wier Quantum Plaintext Non-Malleability
- MoL-2018-05:
- Matteo Nizzardo Leibniz's Principle and the Problem of Nonindividuality
- MoL-2018-06:
- Heidi Metzler Algorithmic Complexity in Textile Patterns
- MoL-2018-07:
- Grzegorz Lisowski Preventing Manipulation in Aggregating Value-Based Argumentation Frameworks
- MoL-2018-08:
- Noor Heerkens Studies in Minimal Mathematics
- MoL-2018-09:
- Raja Oktovin Parhasian Damanik Optimality in Stabilizer Testing
- MoL-2018-10:
- Jelle Wijnand Don Post-quantum Security of Fiat-Shamir Signatures
- MoL-2018-11:
- Silvan Hungerbühler A Computational Method for Philosophical Interpretation
- MoL-2018-12:
- Stefania Ionescu Advancing the Use of Sparse Knowledge for Qualitative Models and Simulations
- MoL-2018-13:
- Mathijs S. Mul Recognizing Logical Entailment: Reasoning with Recursive and Recurrent Neural Networks
- MoL-2018-14:
- Ethan S. Lewis Computation with Infinite Programs
- MoL-2018-15:
- Jonathan Pesetsky Factual Conditionals and Hypothetical Commitments
- MoL-2018-16:
- Julia Joanna Turska Conceptual Relativism and Linguistic Anthropology: How to comprehend the incomprehensible?
- MoL-2018-17:
- Max Rapp Hybrid Logics for Arguments, Beliefs, and their Dynamics
- MoL-2018-18:
- Jorge Viterbo Ferreira The Problem of Counterpossibles
- MoL-2018-19:
- Hana Möller Kalpak Inquisitive Logical Triviality and Grammar
- MoL-2018-20:
- Haukur Páll Jónsson Real Logic and Logic Tensor Networks
- MoL-2018-21:
- Marvin Schmitt CRISP: a semantics for focus-sensitive particles in questions
- MoL-2018-22:
- Mrinalini Luthra How do we Develop Ethically Aware AI?
- MoL-2018-23:
- Marlou M. Gijzen A Constructive Approach Towards Formalizing Relativization Using Combinatory Logic
- MoL-2018-24:
Lucy van Oostveen
What You Know About People’s Preferences Matters:
Investigating simpler notions of partial information in the context of strategic manipulation in voting - MoL-2018-25:
- Leon Commandeur Logical Functionalism
- MoL-2018-26:
Max van den Broek
You Don't Believe This Is The Title
Moore's Paradox and its relation to the Surprise Exam Paradox, the Knowability Paradox, the Toxin Problem and Newcomb’s Problem - MoL-2018-27:
- Saúl Fernández González Generic Models for Topological Evidence Logics
- MoL-2018-28:
- Dean McHugh Counterfactuals and the Logic of Imaginative Content
- MoL-2018-29:
- Jana Haenen A Gödel-style translation from positive calculus into strict implication logic
- MoL-2018-30:
- Morwenna Hoeks Coordinating Questions
- MoL-2018-31:
- Krzysztof Mierzewski Probabilistic Stability: dynamics, nonmonotonic logics, and stable revision
- MoL-2018-32:
- Gian Carlo Milanese An exploration of closure ordinals in the modal μ-calculus
- MoL-2018-33:
- Krsto Proroković Learning to Decide a Formal Language: A Recurrent Neural Network Approach
- MoL-2018-34:
- Jan Rooduijn A right semimodel structure on semisimplicial sets
- MoL-2018-35:
- Yujie Xing Examining Personality Differences in Chit-Chat Sequence to Sequence Conversational Agents
- MoL-2018-36:
- Tao Gu Majorizability Types, Assemblies, and the Fan Theorem
- MoL-2019-01:
- Kyah Elisabeth Mercedes Smaal Strategic manipulation in voting under higher-order reasoning
- MoL-2019-02:
- Daan van Stigt Neural language models with latent syntax
- MoL-2019-03:
- Bas van den Heuvel The Logic of Fault-Tolerance in Message-Passing Concurrency
- MoL-2019-04:
- Nuno Maia Tennenbaum’s Theorem and Non-Classical Arithmetic
- MoL-2019-05:
- Yvette Oortwijn Dynamic Set Theory
- MoL-2019-06:
- Anna Franchini Space and the Continuum from Kant to Poincaré
- MoL-2019-07:
- Nicolò Zamperlin Intensional Kleene logics for vagueness
- MoL-2019-08:
- Sam Adam-Day Polyhedral Completeness in Intermediate and Modal Logics
- MoL-2019-09:
- David Santamaría Legarda Defending Classes
- MoL-2019-10:
- Mina Young Pedersen Polarization and Echo Chambers: A Logical Analysis of Balance and Triadic Closure in Social Networks
- MoL-2019-11:
- Marco Degano Meaning through Time: A Diachronic and Semantic Study of Italian Free Choice
- MoL-2019-12:
- Tim Henke The van Benthem Characterisation Theorem for Descriptive Models
- MoL-2019-13:
- Zhuoye Zhao Varieties of Distributivity: From Mandarin Dou to Plurality, Free Choice and Scalarity
- MoL-2019-14:
- Tomislav Karačić The Informational View of Technologies in the Scientific Practice
- MoL-2019-15:
- David O’Connell Lorentzian Structures on Branching Spacetimes
- MoL-2019-16:
- Robin Martinot Sets and Categories: What Foundational Approaches Tell Us About Mathematical Thought
- MoL-2019-17:
- Michael Vollmer On Logical Nihilism
- MoL-2019-18:
- Matteo Ferrari Questioning Philosophy
- MoL-2019-19:
- Wouter Posdijk The influence of the simplicity/informativeness trade-off on the sematic typology of quantifiers
- MoL-2019-20:
- Gaia Belardinelli Gatekeepers in Social Networks: Logics for Communicative Actions
- MoL-2019-21:
- Ho-Yin Lui Expressive Limitations and the Liar’s Revenge: A Strict-Tolerant Solution and A Pragmatic Solution For Dialetheism
- MoL-2019-22:
- Jacqueline Harding Incorporating Preference Information into Formal Models of Transitive Proxy Voting
- MoL-2019-23:
- Chase Ford Investigations into the Expressiveness of First-order Logic and Weak Path Automata on Infinite Trees
- MoL-2019-24:
- Rachael H. Colley Guaranteeing Feasible Outcomes in Judgment Aggregation
- MoL-2019-25:
- Davide Emilio Quadrellaro Lattices of DNA-Logics and Algebraic Semantics of Inquisitive Logic
- MoL-2019-26:
- Dimitrios Koutsoulis Lifschitz Realizability for Homotopy Type Theory
- MoL-2019-27:
- John Hunter McKnight Quantum Shell Games: How to Classically Delegate the Preparation of Authenticated Quantum States
- MoL-2019-28:
- Giuliano Rosella A Truthmaker Semantics Approach to Modal Logic
- MoL-2020-01:
Federico Schiaffino
Memory, Time and Language:
A Mental Time Travel Model in a Narrative Discourse - MoL-2020-02:
- Cornets de Groot Sven Hugo Logical systems with left-sequential versions of NAND and XOR
- MoL-2020-03:
- Rachel Maden The nature of referential intentions
- MoL-2020-04:
- Thijs Benjamins Locally finite varieties of Heyting algebras of width 2
- MoL-2020-05:
- Teodor Tiberiu Călinoiu What Structural Objects Could Be: Mathematical Structuralism and its Prospects
- MoL-2020-06:
- Maëlle Havelange ‘White horse not horse’: An Analysis of Modern Interpretative Approaches to Kung-sun Lung’s White Horse Discourse
- MoL-2020-07:
- Angelica M. Hill The Only Thesis
- MoL-2020-08:
- Tex Aston Felix Schönlank Syntactic logical relations for System F with recursive types and call-by-name semantics
- MoL-2020-09:
- Leo Lobski Quantum quirks, classical contexts: Towards a Bohrification of effect algebras
- MoL-2020-10:
- Boas Kluiving Computationally Efficient Representation Languages for Fairly Dividing Indivisible Goods
- MoL-2020-11:
- Eric Flaten Toward a formal representation of radical interpretation
- MoL-2020-12:
- Martin Karlsson Proofs and Strategies: A Characterization of Classical and Intuitionistic Logic using Games with Explicit Strategies
- MoL-2020-13:
- Sebastian David Melzer Canonical Formulas for the Lax Logic
- MoL-2020-14:
Brandon Ryan Hoogstra
From Cross-World Predication to Cross-World Travel:
Building a Bridge between Worlds - MoL-2020-15:
- Marta Campa Deflationism about Reference
- MoL-2020-16:
- Valentin Vogelmann Statistical Methodology for Quantitative Linguistics: A Case Study of Learnability and Zipf’s Law
- MoL-2021-01:
- Lukas Zenger Proof theory for fragments of the modal mu-calculus
- MoL-2021-02:
- Wijnand Koen van Woerkom Algebraic models of type theory
- MoL-2021-03:
- Aleksi Anttila The Logic of Free Choice Axiomatizations of State-based Modal Logics
- MoL-2021-04:
- Daniël Louwrink A Separation Logic for Stacked Borrows
- MoL-2021-05:
- Damiano Fornasiere Representable Forests and Diamond Systems
- MoL-2021-06:
- Giovanni Varricchione Complexity of Locally Fair Allocations on Graphs
- MoL-2021-07:
- David Joël de Graaf "A partition calculus in set theory" by Erdös and Rado for readers from the twenty-first century
- MoL-2021-08:
- Simon Dominik Vonlanthen Natural Language and Logical Consequence: An Inferentialist Account
- MoL-2021-09:
- Jason Tsiaxiras Strategic Voting under Incomplete Information in Approval-Based Committee Elections
- MoL-2021-10:
- Leyla Ade Iterative Goal-Based Voting
- MoL-2021-11:
Lorenzo Pinton
You may like or dislike this thesis, and I do care which.
An inquiry into sluicing and free choice - MoL-2021-12:
- Mateo C. Jaramillo Epistemic Logics for Cryptographic Protocols and Zero-Knowledge Proofs
- MoL-2021-13:
- John Fergus William Smiles Learning Deterministic Finite Automata with Signed Examples: An Investigation into the Role of Entropy in Optimal Model Selection
- MoL-2021-14:
- Matteo Michelini When Being the Fifth Wheel Pays Off: Wisdom of the Crowds with Costly Information
- MoL-2021-15:
- Ezra Schoen Relation Lifting and Coalgebraic Logic
- MoL-2021-16:
- Maximilian Siemers Hyperintensional Logics for Evidence, Knowledge and Belief
- MoL-2021-17:
- Nima Motamed Multivalued Coalgebraic Modal Logic for Multiagent Systems and Multiplayer Games
- MoL-2021-18:
- Anna Dmitrieva Positive modal logic beyond distributivity: duality, preservation and completeness
- MoL-2021-19:
- Dominik Wehr An Abstract Framework for the Analysis of Cyclic Derivations
- MoL-2021-20:
- Quentin Gougeon The Expressive Power of Derivational Modal Logic
- MoL-2021-21:
- Terence Hui A Compositional Analysis of Dependence Statements
- MoL-2021-22:
- Antonio Maria Cleani Translational Embeddings via Stable Canonical Rules
- MoL-2021-23:
- Sebastian N. Køhlert Measuring What Exactly? A Critique of Causal Modelling in Atheoretical Econometrics
- MoL-2021-24:
- Jonathan Osinski Symbiosis and Compactness Properties
- MoL-2021-25:
- Bas Kortenbach The Classicality of Epistemic Multilateral Logic
- MoL-2021-26:
- Luca van der Kamp The Epistemic Logic of Full Communication and Social Networks: An Analysis of Mediation and Network Formation
- MoL-2021-27:
- Hrafn Valtýr Oddsson Paradefinite Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory: A Theory of Inconsistent and Incomplete Sets
- MoL-2021-28:
- Pepijn Kroes Finiteness, Invariance, and Analogy: A Minimal Model for Adaptive Processes
- MoL-2022-01:
- Daniela Loustalot Knapp Justification of Matching Outcomes
- MoL-2022-02:
- James Carr Hereditary Structural Completeness over K4: Rybakov’s Theorem Revisited
- MoL-2022-03:
- Zichen Peng Simultaneous Substitution Algebras
- MoL-2022-04:
- Nicolien S. Janssens Communicate and Vote: Collective Truth-tracking in Networks
- MoL-2022-05:
- Lukas Felderhoff Single-Peaked Electorates in Liquid Democracy
- MoL-2022-06:
- Thomas klein Goldewijk Fairness in Perpetual Participatory Budgeting
- MoL-2022-07:
- Raoul Koudijs Learning Modal Formulas via Dualities
- MoL-2022-08:
- Marie Christin Schmidtlein Voting by Axioms
- MoL-2022-09:
- Jasmijn van Harskamp The National Contests Behind International Success: A Musical Comparison of the Eurovision Song Contest, the Festival di Sanremo and the Melodifestivalen
- MoL-2022-10:
- Mike Cruchten Topics in Ω-Automata: A Journey through Lassos, Algebra, Coalgebra and Expressions
- MoL-2022-11:
- Noel Arteche Echeverría Parameterized Compilability
- MoL-2022-12:
- Vasily Romanovskiy "A-ha, I hadn’t thought of that": the Bayesian Problem of Awareness Growth
- MoL-2022-13:
- Arie W. Soeteman Artificial Understanding
- MoL-2022-14:
- Tomasz Klochowicz Investigating semantic and selectional properties of clause-embedding predicates in Polish
- MoL-2022-15:
- Valentino Filipetto Constructing queries from data examples
- MoL-2022-16:
- Koen Leijnse On the Quantum Hardness of Matching Colored Triangles
- MoL-2022-17:
- Anton Chernev Degrees of FMP in extensions of bi-intuitionistic logic
- MoL-2022-18:
- Anouk Michelle Oudshoorn Cost Fixed Point Logic
- MoL-2022-19:
- Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida Polyatomic Logics and Generalised Blok-Esakia Theory with Applications to Orthologic and KTB
- MoL-2022-20:
- Erin McCloskey Relative Weak Factorization Systems
- MoL-2022-21:
- Gian Marco Osso Some results on the Generalized Weihrauch Hierarchy
- MoL-2022-22:
- Lide Grotenhuis Natural Axiomatic Theories and Consistency Strength: A Lakatosian Approach to the Linearity Conjecture
- MoL-2022-23:
- Tianwei Zhang Bisimulations over Parity Formulas
- MoL-2022-24:
- Søren Brinck Knudstorp Modal Information Logics
- MoL-2022-25:
- Pepijn Vrijbergen Validity, Logic, and Models
- MoL-2022-26:
- Rover Junior Samwel Explorations in Coalgebraic Predicate Logic (With a Focus on Interpolation)
- MoL-2022-27:
- Daniël D. Otten De Jongh’s Theorem for Type Theory
- MoL-2022-28:
- Thibault Rushbrooke Taming the Infinity Quantifier: On Well-Behaved Fragments of First-Order Logic with the Quantifier 'There are Infinitely Many'
- MoL-2022-29:
- Nikki Weststeijn The Relation Between Shannon Information and Semantic Information
- MoL-2023-01:
- Bo Lazlo Flachs Neglect-Zero Effects on Indicative Conditionals: Extending BSML and BiUS with an implication
- MoL-2023-02:
- Andrew Fish Extensional Realism: Interesting and Uninteresting Truths
- MoL-2023-03:
- Alex C. Keizer Implementing a definitional (co)datatype package in Lean 4, based on quotients of polynomial functors
- MoL-2023-04:
- Gerson Foks Towards Efficient Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding
- MoL-2023-05:
- Christian Oliver Scholz Imaginability as Representability: A Wittgensteinian Approach to Aphantasia
- MoL-2023-06:
- Storm Diephuis Effective Kan fibrations for simplicial groupoids, semisimplicial sets and Ex∞
- MoL-2023-07:
- Cheng Liao Stable Canonical Rules for Intuitionistic Modal Logics
- MoL-2023-08:
- Anne Marleen Gaasbeek Polar Questions in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) and Dutch
- MoL-2023-09:
- Patrick Weigert A Program Calculus for Dynamical Systems
- MoL-2023-10:
- Isa Anne Kooiman Unraveling vagueness: Exploring its puzzles, its nature, and their interplay
- MoL-2023-12:
- Raúl Ruiz Mora Team Semantics for Modal mu-Calculus
- MoL-2023-13:
- Sabina Dominguez Parrado Metaphysical Multiversism: from Armchair to Practice
- MoL-2023-14:
- Jesse A. Comer Homomorphism Counts, Database Queries, and Modal Logics
- MoL-2023-15:
- Philemon L. Huising Multiwinner Voting with Priority Candidates
- MoL-2023-16:
- Tuva Vigen Bardal Size Approval Voting Rules
- MoL-2023-17:
- Borja Sierra Miranda On the Provability Logic of Constructive Arithmetic: The Σ_1-provability logics of fragments of Heyting Arithmetic
- MoL-2023-18:
Martijn Brehm
Quantifying quantum walk speed-ups
1.Full Text.
- MoL-2023-19:
- Gianluca Michelli Intentions behind metaphor use
- MoL-2023-20:
- Noortje Catelijn ten Wolde The Nature of Quantum Information
- MoL-2023-21:
- Franciscus Cornelis Lambertus Wildenburg Investigations into Semantic Underspecification in Language Models
- MoL-2023-22:
- Xavier Ripoll Echeveste Alternative Impredicative Encodings of Inductive Types
- MoL-2023-23:
- Dominique Marie Danco How Many Oracle Calls Does It Take to Locate a Lightbulb?
- MoL-2023-24:
- Tianyi Chu Topic-relevance and Hyperintensional Belief
- MoL-2023-25:
- Steef Hegeman Priority arguments in transfinite computability theory
- MoL-2023-26:
- Valentin Müller On the Proof Theory of Inquisitive Logic
- MoL-2023-27:
- Elias Bronner Unrestricted Fusion and Unrestricted Quantification: Mereological Essentialism and the Universe
- MoL-2023-28:
- Simon Lemal Hereditary structural completeness of weakly transitive modal logics
- MoL-2023-29:
- Siyuan Cao Wh-indefinites in Mandarin: The case of shenme (什么)
- MoL-2023-30:
- Isabella Cissell The Pretense View of Fiction
- MoL-2023-31:
- Evan (Evangelos) Iatrou Reclaiming Enlightenment: on the logical foundations of the rule of law in a legitimate algocracy
- MoL-2023-32:
- Yunsong Wang General Topological Frames for Polymodal Provability Logic
- MoL-2023-33:
- Iris Luden Beyond Perplexity: Examining Temporal Generalization of Large Language Models via Definition Generation
- MoL-2023-34:
- Evelina Lissoni Why logical pluralists should be anti-exceptionalists
- MoL-2023-35:
- Kirill Kopnev Dynamic logics of polyhedra and their application in 3D modeling
- MoL-2023-36:
- Jonathan Thul The Logical Dynamics of Social Networks: From Homophily to Polarization
- MoL-2023-37:
- P. Maurice Dekker Polyhedral semantics of modal logic
- MoL-2024-01:
Max Pohlmann
Analytic Nondualism: Why Reality is Objectively Subjective
1.Full Text.
- MoL-2024-02:
- Elynn Louise Weijland An Analysis of Visual and Morphosyntactic Cues in Biased Polar Questions in Dutch
- MoL-2024-03:
- Pelle Nelissen Consistent Judgment Aggregation in Liquid Democracy: Utilizing Delegation Structure in the Ranked Agenda Rule
- MoL-2024-04:
Fiona Spencer-Piacentini
Wondering about Mood in Romance: the view from Italian
inquisitive predicates - MoL-2024-05:
- Lingyuan Ye Algebraic Monoidal Model Categories and Path Category Structures for Effective Kan Fibrations
- MoL-2024-06:
- Wessel Kroon Knowledge as Issue-Relevant Information
- MoL-2024-07:
- Swapnil Ghosh An Exploration of Contraction Free Arithmetic
- MoL-2024-08:
- Justus Becker Proof Translations for Intuitionistic Modal Logic
- MoL-2024-09:
- Liam Chung Automata Closure Constructions for Kleene Algebra with Hypotheses
- MoL-2024-10:
- David Quinn Alvarez The temporal Heyting calculus
- MoL-2024-11:
- Alyssa Renata Homotopy Theory of Computable Spaces
- MoL-2024-12:
- Wouter Smit Axiomatising Protocol-Dependent Knowledge in Gossip
- MoL-2024-13:
- Hannah Van Santvliet Parameterizing the Notion of Automatability in Proof Complexity
- MoL-2024-14:
Arunavo Ganguly
Characterizing Formulas using Post’s Lattice
1.Full Text.
- MoL-2024-15:
- Paul Seip A Constructive Small Object Argument
- MoL-2024-16:
- Michael A. Müller Arguing with Doubt
- MoL-2024-17:
- Floris Westerman PageZero: Mitigating Speculative Execution Attacks by Clearing Page Tables
- MoL-2024-18:
- Jan W. Gronwald A Practice-Based Critique of Reverse Mathematics
- MoL-2024-19:
- Yilun Wang Oblivious Transfer from Quantum One-way Functions
- MoL-2024-20:
- Raufs Duņamalijevs Predicate Pushdown in FastLanes
- MoL-2024-21:
- Frank J.A. Goossens Formalizing the FLINT Ontology: Building an action-oriented formal language for the interpretation of normative texts
- MoL-2024-22:
- Teodor-Ștefan Zotescu Multi-agent Topological Models for Evidence Diffusion
- MoL-2024-23:
- Xiaoshuang Yang Sequent Calculus with Zippers