Submit Coordinated Project

2nd Semester 2011/12: Justification Logic

Bryan Renne
If you are interested in this project, please contact Bryan by email.
This project will introduce students to Justification Logic, a family of modal-like logics that can be used to reason about evidence and justification. Work in this area stemmed from Gödel's work in provability semantics and has since developed into a wide-ranging study examining applications in logical dynamics, Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Belief Revision, formal epistemology, and the inner justificatory structure of modal proofs. There are many interesting open research problems in this area, and the course will aim to expose students to these through a guided reading of the Justification Logic literature.

The course will be a mixture of introductory lectures by the instructor, presentation of works in the literature by students, and group discussion. The goal is to cover enough primary source material in the Justification Logic literature so as to give the student a comprehensive picture of the area sufficient to prepare him or her to begin research in the area, if this is his or her desire.

Familiarity with propositional modal logic is strongly recommended. Those who have working knowledge of Dynamic Epistemic Logic will be in a good position to appreciate applications in logical dynamics and will likely have sufficient technical background.
Each student will present material from one or more works in the Justification Logic literature and, at the end of the course, submit a written report of his or her readings or project-related research results. Participation in the group discussions will also contribute to the assessment.