Projects in Previous Years

1st Semester 2019/20: Epistemology of Modality


Tom Schoonen

If you are interested in this project, please contact the instructor(s) by email.

Registration until 17 December 2019, 13:00 hr.  through, using the course code: 5314REPM6Y


Philosophers often rely on modal judgements concerning non-actual situations when they are doing thought-experiment (e.g., it is possible that there is justified true belief that is not knowledge), but we also rely on modal judgements in everyday life in order to plan the future and make risk assessments (e.g., it is possible to jump that river). So, an important question is how we know which non-actual situations are possible? How do we distinguish the possible situations from the impossible ones? The epistemology of modality is the philosophical investigation into our knowledge of non-actual modal claims. This course is an introduction into the field of the epistemology of modality, where we will discuss some of the initial issues that come up, as well as critically look at some of the current theories available.


The project will consist of two-phases. The first two weeks will consist of lectures on a number of introductory issues in the epistemology of modality. In the last two weeks, the students will  work on individual projects that will result in an extended (conference) abstract and one presentation on a current topic in the epistemology of modality.


Basic philosophical interest in issues concerning knowledge, modality, and meta-philosophical issues is expected.


Pass/Fail on the basis of class participation, presentation, and (conference) abstract.


The course is based on a collection of research papers that will be made available during the first meeting.