1st Semester 2018/19: Reasoning in autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
- Instructors
Michiel van Lambalgen and Levin Hornischer
If you are interested in this project, please contact the instructor(s) by email.
Registration through https://datanose.nl/#specialenrol, using the course code: 5314RIAS6Y
- 6
- Description
People with ASD tend to have great difficulty with some, though not all, situations that seem to call for defeasible reasoning. This raises a number of foundational issues about logic:
- Are psychological data relevant for a normative discipline such as logic?
- Is there a logic that captures autistic reasoning patterns?
- Can one identify cognitive capacities that influence the adoption of a logic?
- Organisation
We'll start with a 'plenary' lecture on autism and a discussion of possible essay topics. The maximum number of participants is 8. Further details will be announced via email to those who have signed up.