Projects in Previous Years

1st Semester 2018/19: Reasoning in autism spectrum disorders (ASD)


Michiel van Lambalgen and Levin Hornischer

If you are interested in this project, please contact the instructor(s) by email.

Registration through, using the course code: 5314RIAS6Y



People with ASD tend to have great difficulty with some, though not all, situations that seem to call for defeasible reasoning. This raises a number of foundational issues about logic:

  • Are psychological data relevant for a normative discipline such as logic?
  • Is there a logic that captures autistic reasoning patterns?
  • Can one identify cognitive capacities  that influence the adoption of a logic?

We'll start with a 'plenary' lecture on autism and a discussion of possible essay topics. The maximum number of participants is 8. Further details will be announced via email to those who have signed up.