The MSc in Logic is a highly individual programme: about 75% of the credits are either based on individual research (including the thesis) or free choice courses. These courses are chosen based on the knowledge that the students have when they come to Amsterdam, their personal interests in logic, and their goals in research. In order to make it possible to choose wisely and goal-oriented, each student has a personal academic mentor who helps him or her to choose courses, and also to find adequate topics for research and an MSc thesis.
These academic mentors should not be confused with the student mentors.
Assignment of Academic Mentors
The academic mentors are assigned to new students in July. We aim to match the interests of the student with the interests and expertise of a mentor. Of course, mismatch is not impossible. If a change of mentor seems desirable, students should discuss this openly with their current mentor or contact the coordinator of the MoL at mol-illc at
Role of the Academic Mentor
New students should meet their academic mentor before the start of the first academic year. In case this is not possible, an online meeting or a serious email exchange are recommended.
The mentor will try to determine strengths, weaknesses and interests of the student, in particular, the student's ambitions in the MSc Logic and beyond.
Each semester, the mentor discusses the courses with the student, suggesting a selection of courses based on the student's strengths, weaknesses and interests.
The mentor monitors the student's progress and assists in case of academic problems. The student should report any problems to the mentor.
The mentor discusses possible individual research projects with the student and suggests potential supervisors for these projects (both inside and outside the MSc of Logic, including other universities in the Netherlands).
The mentor assists the student in finding the appropriate research area for the thesis and a fitting supervisor. The mentor mediates between the student and the thesis supervisor in case of problems.
The mentor discusses with the student (academic and non-academic) career opportunities after the MSc Logic.
The academic mentor and the student exchange emails and set up meetings in a timely fashion. However, students should be aware that mentors cannot always respond and/or meet right away due to their many responsibilities.
If the mentor does not have the knowledge and expertise to give the mentee good advice with respect to a certain matter, the mentor consults with someone who is able to help the student, or refers the student directly to this person.
List of the current mentors
Dr. Maria AloniDr. Alexandru Baltag
Dr. Gregor Behnke
Dr. Balder ten Cate
Dr. Marco Degano
Dr. Paul Dekker
Dr. Dingmar van Eck
Prof. dr. Ulle Endriss
Dr. Gaëlle Fontaine
Dr. Malvin Gattinger
Dr. Ronald de Haan
Prof. dr. Dick de Jongh
Dr. Martha Lewis
Dr. Aybüke Özgün
Dr. Thomas Schindler
Dr. Tom Schoonen
Prof. dr. Yde Venema