
Students participating in the Master of Logic are offered a wide range of facilities. The most important can be found below. Please click on the topic for more information. If you can't find your answers on this page, please have a look in the MoL Guide, Whom Should I Contact? , which contains information on where to go with your questions, urgent and less urgent, academic and personal.

MoL Guide, Whom Should I Contact?

In 2019 student members of the OC Logic initiated a Mental Health Guide, which contains tips and tricks to stay sane during the Master of Logic and information on what to do in case you end up struggling.

Mental Health Guide (2021)

For a more complete list of facilities offered by the UvA, please click on UvA Topics in the Quick Links on the left.

If you would like to scroll through a guide about studying in Amsterdam as a 'foreign' student, please consult I amsterdam's booklet titled 'My First Month'.

Computer facilities

As a Master's student you can log into the student workstations across UvA campuses using your UvAnetID. In particular, you can use the machines (dual-boot Linux and Windows) provided in the MoL Room and the main building of the Faculty of Science (Science Park 904).
Of course you can also use your own laptop and connect to UvA's wireless network.


Since October 2016 printing at the UvA works through 'Printing-on-demand'. You can get more information on how this works on this site, which you can find in the A-Z list (link on the right on the top of this page), under 'Study centres'.
This does not only apply to the printers in the study centres, but also to the printers at the ILLC.

Students have to pay for their prints using their student ID card. Click on the link to find out how to put money in your student ID card.


There are no student dentists at the UvA, although in some cases you can get help at UvA's Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA).

Have a look at this UvA page for advise on how to find dental care.

Digital Student Service Desk

Contacting the Student Services can be done through the Student Service Desk and the Digital Student Service Desk.

Dutch Language Courses

The MSc Logic is an English-taught programme and it is easy to get by in Amsterdam if you speak English. Still, it can be rewarding to also learn Dutch. The UvA's Institute for Dutch Language Education (INTT) is one of several places offering Dutch language courses at different levels.

Ex Falso

Ex Falso is an informal committee aimed at organizing social activities for PhD and MoL students from the ILLC. Such events range from biweekly drinks to sports or cultural activities, and in general anything interesting that Amsterdam has to offer. The Ex Falso board consists of three or four members. You can reach out to the members and take a look at Ex Falso events via their website.

Faculty International Team

Although a large part of the work for international students (visa, residence permits, registration, student ID cards and housing) is done at the university level at Student Services, see here above it can sometimes be helpful to have someone of a more local level to assist and ask questions, just because they know more about the specific situation at the Faculty of Science (and the MoL).

In those cases it is best to contact the International Team of the Faculty of Science.


As in many major European cities, the demand for reasonably priced housing in Amsterdam is very high. Affordable housing available to UvA students is therefore limited. Students in general are advised to start looking for accommodation as early as possible. For our international students, each year UvA reserves a range of furnished accommodation in Amsterdam with different housing corporations.

Please have a look here for more information and tips and links. The UvA can arrange housing for fee-paying international students (provided you apply by the relevant deadline). The UvA cannot guarantee housing for other categories of students, e.g., exchange students.

Harassment and confidential advisers

The UvA aims to prevent and combat sexual intimidation, bullying, aggression, violence, stalking and discrimination. Such behaviour is not acceptable under any circumstances and will not be tolerated at the UvA.

On the page on confidential advisers for undesirable behaviour you can find:

  • UvA's Code of Conduct
  • instructions on what to do in case you experience such behaviour
  • contact information on the confidential advisers
  • UvA's complaints regulations
  • information on the Complaints Committee for students and staff

International Student Network

To help students find their way at the University of Amsterdam and in the city itself, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) organizes a number of activities, such as an introduction week (one week before classes start in September). During this week, students can get to know the city and Dutch student life. A large range of activities takes place, ranging from exploring the city and the university to testing food in the student restaurant. The evenings are for experiencing the cultural life of the capital first-hand.

MoL Guide, Whom Should I Contact?

Information on where to go with your questions, urgent and less urgent, academic and personal, is available in the booklet 'Whom Should I Contact?', initiated by a group of MoL students and updated every year.
If you can't find your answers on this page, please have a look in this booklet (available at the top of this page).

MoL room and MoL meeting room

The ILLC maintains a special room for the exclusive use of Master of Logic (and Logic Year) students. This room offers desk space, computing facilities, and other amenities. Adjacent to this room is the MoL meeting room for group work and discussion.
Both rooms can be found on the second floor of the ILLC building and are accessible 24/7.

Please read below how to get in and out of the building.

Drop key (getting in and out of the building)

The ILLC is housed at Science Park 107. Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. one could enter at the main entrance, at Nikhef, our neighbours at Science Park 105.
However, all MoL and Logic Year students are privided with an electronic pass, the so-called dropkey.
With this key you can enter the building at any door, at any time and on any day.

The MoL room and MoL meeting room should never be locked. In case somebody accidentily did lock them, you can use your student card to open the doors.
Your student card should be activated (at the desk of the library of Science Park 904) and updated (at the device next to the door to ILLC's common room). If you still are unable to open the doors with your card, please contact the ILLC office (room F1.44).


The UvA Library consists of a well-equipped central library and numerous specialised libraries distributed across town. It also offers access to a a comprehensive online catalogue (make sure you connect via the UvA network to be able to freely access all journals the UvA is subscribing to).

MoL students, and other ILLC members, are also welcome to make use of the library of the CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica = national research institute for mathematics and computer science). To show that you are indeed a student of the UvA/MoL you should get proof of registration. You can get this at the desk of the library in Science Park 904, first floor.

Requesting documents

Should you need a Proof of Enrollment or Proof of Paid Tuition Fees, please visit this website: https://student.uva.nl/en/topics/requesting-documents.

Student councellors (Studentendecanen) and study adviser

In case you need to take a break from you studies due to health issues or urgent family matters it is wise to contact the student counsellors. They can help you with the official de-registration, breaking off your tuition fee and lease payment, and maybe postponing your scholarship.

If you just wish to have guidance on how to plan your studies, you can always contact the study adviser

Student doctors

UvA students can seek medical treatment at the Student Medical Service, where doctors are available with specific knowledge of student life. Visit a student doctor if you are sick, feeling down or have other health concerns. You are also welcome if you need a prescription, a lab test or a vaccination.

On the website of the Student Medical Service you can find more information.

Student mentors

Each year a small group of international students act as student mentors for the new students during their first months in Amsterdam and at the ILLC (not to be confused with the academic mentors).

Here is a list of all previous student mentors.

Student psychologists

Should you experience any personal problems, like a lack of motivation or concentration, feelings of depression or anxiety, a culture shock or psychosomatic complaints you may consult one of UvA's psychologists. These consultations are free of charge, and of course, strictly confidential. If necessary, the psychologist can help you find a therapist who speaks your native language.

On the website of the UvA psychologists you can find more information.

Student services

Student Services offers all students and alumni information, advice or support regarding their registration as a student and other matters which concern studying at the UvA or student life in general.

For international students they offer specific support such as visa and residence permit applications, help with student registration and ID cards and assistance in finding and arranging accommodation.

Student Services consists of several student support services, including the student service desk, the office of international student affairs, student counsellors, psychologists, and doctors and a career centre. Below each of these services will be described in short.

You can find more information about their services on this website.

Students Sports

All students can take part in numerous sporting activities, at special student rates, organised by the University Sports Centre (USC), including in particular its branch located at the Science Park (five minutes walk from the ILLC).

Studying abroad

Most Master of Logic students come to Amsterdam from abroad and will want to spend the full two years on the programme in Amsterdam. However, the option of studying abroad for a semester can be attractive for some.

The best way for students to see where they can go on exchange is through the UvA Digital World Map, accessible from the UvA's Study Abroad site.
Here you can find the list of universities that offer exchange programmes to students of the University of Amsterdam.

Universities that offer Logic as a possible study area include Universität Osnabrück, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Università della Svizzera Italiana (analitical philosophy) and University of Warsaw. Master of Logic students however can apply also for exchange programmes in other areas, as their background is usually quite diverse.

MoL students interested in studying abroad should discuss this option with their academic mentor. After that the first step is to contact the exchange officer. At the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam the exchange officers are Ms. Selma Kujundzic and Ms. Irene Verkist Perez.
Once the procedure is down to chosing the courses in the exchange programme, it is good to again discuss with the academic mentor, and, more importantly, get the Examinations Board involved.

Studying with a disability

The Master of Logic welcomes students with a disability, who are encouraged to contact the study adviser to discuss their disability-related needs.

This site provides information about the facilities offered by the University of Amsterdam to ensure an accessible, welcoming learning environment for individuals with disabilities.